City Street Improvements

In 2012, IMEG was selected to design and create streets for long-term sustainability, eliminating expensive repairs. IMEG completed the street design of 36 blocks on the west half of Highway 37. The preliminary design was completed in 2013 and was broken up into phases. In 2014, Phase 1 began with completing street improvements to 15 blocks. The project cost was $1.2 Million. In 2015, Phase two began with three blocks of street improvements. The project cost was $300,000. In 2019, Phase 3 began with completing street improvement to 7 blocks. The project cost was $450,000. The City plans to continue with the street improvements in the future as the budget allows.

IMEG was responsible for the topographic survey and design, cost estimating, construction administration, and construction staking. The project has allowed the city to regain full use of the streets and minimize annual repair costs. Through excellent communication and quality project management, IMEG continues to ensure that the client’s goals and priorities are exceeded.

City of Groton
Groton, SD
Services Provided

Civil, Survey, Construction Support