Ty Monks

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Ty Monks, P.E., S.E., LEED A.P., is a Senior Principal and Client Executive of IMEG’s structural team in Portland. He has been with the firm since 1997.

Ty has more than 26 years of experience in structural analysis and design of major and award-winning structures and renovation in a variety of markets including residential, mixed-use, commercial, hospitality, and education. A licensed professional engineer in seven states, Ty has extensive experience in wood, steel, and concrete design. His wide range of experience can also be measured in terms of scale of projects, diversity of work, and people/office management. Ty’s careful consideration to details and his attentive and responsive service have earned him a reputation of continual excellence. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, International Code Council, and the Green Building Certification Institute. Ty holds a Bachelor’s of Arts in Architecture as well as Master of Architecture and Master of Science in Structural Engineering degrees from the University of California in Berkeley. He was a co-founder of Nishkian Monks in 2002, which was acquired by IMEG in 2019.

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