New Hospital and Wellness Center

IMEG was the site engineer for a new hospital and master campus planning on approximately 30 acres of land, responsible for site design, campus parking plan, traffic analysis, hydraulic study, storm water management. An as-built survey for the campus also was provided.

The new, two-story, 230,000-sf hospital building contains 100 beds with a maximum staff shift capacity of 415 employees. After completing the new hospital, the old hospital was demolished and retention ponds were expanded. Interior circulation was also improved within the campus including a ring road, north entrance, timber bridge, pedestrian paths, and parking lot expansions.

New water, storm and sanitary sewer was constructed throughout various stages of the campus. A new 38,000-sf medical office building was later constructed next to the hospital.
IMEG also provided planning, preliminary, and final design and construction observation on the site work for the new two-story, 80,000-sf Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Health & Wellness Center, also on the 30-acre campus.

Services included campus parking plans, site plans, permitting with DeKalb County and IEPA, construction documents, and observation for all site work features. Site work features included one detention pond and one retention live pond, parking, recreational paths, outdoor fitness and recreational amenities, and new utility services.

Related projects: In separate but related projects, IMEG also provided:

  • Design for a new signalized intersection to provide improved access to the campus from Bethany Road. The scope included widening the four-lane urban arterial to accommodate opposing left turn lanes, interconnected signals, sidewalks, storm sewer, and private road side streets.
  • Phase II design and Phase III construction of the county’s first roundabout, which connects Health Services Drive to a new collector street from Bethany Road to the hospital. IMEG fol-lowed Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines to develop the roundabout with divided highway north approach and two undivided approaches; curb and gutter; storm sewer; and pedestrian path.
Northwestern Medicine
DeKalb, IL
230,000-sf New Hospital | 80,000-sf New Wellness Center
Services Provided
