Sewer Interceptor Central Service Line

The Town of Johnstown was founded in 1902. Infrastructure and planning needs have changed significantly since the inception of the Town. Much of IMEG’s role in finding innovative solutions
to the Towns needs include using the existing facilities to the highest best use, upgrading facilities where there is a clear need, and prioritizing the improvement needs for the interceptor design phasing and constriction.

Some of the goals for the project included eliminating lift stations and force mains where possible to minimize long term operational costs and maintenance needs. This was done by replacing the existing undersized lift station serving the immediate development area and replacing it with a wet well and lift station with expansion capacity to serve the ultimate development limits for the Town long into the future.

As part of the future phase planning efforts, IMEG is able to decommission an existing lift station further upstream by installing a gravity interceptor as part of the Phase 2 component that dramatically improves the service area that can be addressed, and eliminate an older lift station facility in the process.

Interceptor design by its very nature serves the larger communities needs for public health, wastewater treatment and the financial growth capacity in the community. This is especially true in rural areas where improvements and development that happen within the community can affect the entire community. By planning for future development needs, the Town is able to address demands from the community in an orderly and cost-effective manner, that uses public resources efficiently and responsibly to continue to promote the quality of life that the Town of Johnstown is known for.

IMEG worked directly with the Town of Johnstown to evaluate and prioritize the communities needs. This included review of existing capacity issues, pending development applications needing sewer service upgrades, evaluation of timing and priority to establish a phasing program and timeline. This planning effort served as the basis for creating a successful strategy for bringing infrastructure online in a timely and cost competitive way.

In addition, IMEG worked closely with the Town’s contractor to evaluate system constructability, establish means and methods for project delivery, and timing of resources for the project construction needs. Everyone involved in the project had a voice from the first day of planning the project.

The capacity of the central interceptor for the lower reaches of the sewer system is undersized for both the current demand and the anticipated future development in the Town’s statutory growth boundary. In addition, there are several local developments that are restricted for development until such time as the Town’s sewer capacity issues could be addressed.

The Town of Johnstown was founded in 1902. Infrastructure and planning needs have changed significantly since the inception of the Town. Much of IMEG’s role in finding innovative solutions
to the Towns needs include using the existing facilities to the highest best use, upgrading facilities where there is a clear need, and prioritizing the improvement needs for the interceptor design phasing and constriction.
Some of the goals for the project included eliminating lift stations and force mains where possible to minimize long term operational costs and maintenance needs. This was done by replacing the existing undersized lift station serving the immediate development area and replacing it with a wet well and lift station with expansion capacity to serve the ultimate development limits for the Town long into the future.
As part of the future phase planning efforts, IMEG is able to decommission an existing lift station further upstream by installing a gravity interceptor as part of the Phase 2 component that dramatically improves the service area that can be addressed, and eliminate an older lift station facility in the process.
Interceptor design by its very nature serves the larger communities needs for public health, wastewater treatment and the financial growth capacity in the community. This is especially true in rural areas where improvements and development that happen within the community can affect the entire community. By planning for future development needs, the Town is able to address demands from the community in an orderly and cost-effective manner, that uses public resources efficiently and responsibly to continue to promote the quality of life that the Town of Johnstown is known for.

IMEG worked directly with the Town of Johnstown to evaluate and prioritize the communities needs. This included review of existing capacity issues, pending development applications needing sewer service upgrades, evaluation of timing and priority to establish a phasing program and timeline. This planning effort served as the basis for creating a successful strategy for bringing infrastructure online in a timely and cost competitive way.

In addition, IMEG worked closely with the Town’s contractor to evaluate system constructability, establish means and methods for project delivery, and timing of resources for the project construction needs. Everyone involved in the project had a voice from the first day of planning the project.

The capacity of the central interceptor for the lower reaches of the sewer system is undersized for both the current demand and the anticipated future development in the Town’s statutory growth boundary. In addition, there are several local developments that are restricted for development until such time as the Town’s sewer capacity issues could be addressed.

Town of Johnstown
Johnstown, CO
Service Area, appx 16 square miles | Phase 1 appx 8,600-lf | Phase 2 appx 11,000-lf | Phase 3 appx 20,000-lf
Services Provided

Civil, Survey, Structural, Electrical