Urban Redevelopment

IMEG provided civil engineering, surveying and land planning services for a high-density, urban mixed-use redevelopment project at 555 Herndon, adjacent to the Herndon Metro Station. IMEG assisted with three phases of the initial site development, including surveying, site evaluation, engineering, and entitlement services. Civil engineering efforts included site review, landscape architecture, stormwater outfall analysis, SWM/BMP preliminary design, conceptual grading, development plans and conceptual design.

Surveying efforts included utility research, tree location surveys, aerial photography and topography, and as-built surveys. IMEG also worked closely with clients and their attorney to provide the required documents to prepare a development plan and assisted with staff and public meetings and proffer preparation.

Monroe Metro Center is planned to be a mixed-use, high-density property consisting of three towers with approximately 270,000-sf of office and residential uses and 13,000-sf of retail. Each building will have ground-floor retail with parking above.

Penzance - Monroe Metro Center
Herndon, VA
4.3 Acre Property | 3 Towers 270,000-sf | Office and Residential and 13,000-sf Retail
Services Provided

Civil, Survey, Landscape Architecture, Stormwater Management/BMP Design, Development Plan, Conceptual Design, Land Planning Services, Utility Research, Tree Location