Various School Projects

IMEG is providing civil/site engineering and surveying services to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) on a task-by-task basis as needed. Projects include:

  • Administration Building — engineering and surveying services for the planning of additional parking spaces for the FCPS Administration Building. Survey efforts included establishing horizontal and vertical control and performing a field run topographic survey on 0.5 acres. Engineering efforts included a layout of the site, including vehicular circulation, parking and remaining landscaping; and a grading plan for the selected conceptual parking layout.
  • Hayfield High School — preliminary engineering services for the layout of a new outdoor basketball court and a new access road for a student drop-off location. Additional services included preliminary layout, grading, utility design and construction cost estimates.
  • Woodlawn Elementary School — construction stakeout services for the construction of a perimeter fence on two
    (2) sides of an adjoining property known as Engleside Village. Stakes were set at 50’ stations, and the deliverable consisted of the field stakeout and an exhibit of completed work.
  • Thomas Jefferson High School — stakeout services to support the construction of the school’s baseball field.
  • John R. Lewis High School (formerly Lee High School) — survey and engineering services for the 4.5 acres of the high school’s softball field and access road. Services included a topographic and boundary survey of the site; utility designation, mapping and location; utility layout and stakeout. Engineering services included preparation of a minor site plan to add a new concession stand and press box.
  • Herndon Elementary School — stakeout services for 48 shrubs and 15 trees in accordance with a landscaping plan provided by FCPS. The work provided horizontal locations of the proposed plantings in order to aid installation.
Fairfax County Public Schools - Term Contract
Fairfax County, VA
Services Provided

Civil, Survey, Land Planning